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True Heart Therapy

for genuine healing

Hi, It’s nice to meet you.

I’m Akiva O’connor, and i’m glad you are here.

A fun fact about myself: I am a major Lord of the Rings and Star Wars nerd. I see them as great pieces of art (even/especially the prequels) that provide a great base for exploring really human concepts.

What can you expect as my client:

You can expect me to be listening. Not only to what you say, but also to what you don’t say or don’t realize you did or did not say. Be ready to talk about who you are, who you want to be, and what is stopping you from getting there.

Who am I outside of therapy:

Besides my work as a therapist, I am a dedicated husband and work as an educator at a Jewish non-profit organization. I love to cook, read, write, and find more books that I will never get around to reading. As an avid indoorsman, I enjoy contemplating the great outdoors more than visiting them, unless it’s on one of our family’s cross country drives.


How did I become a therapist:

The way we think as people has always fascinated me, and people tend to confide in me. I’m very good at asking focused questions and listening to people. My own experiences in therapy have compelled me to help others and to explore life together. After plenty of searching I have found my calling as a therapist.


I am currently in the process of finishing my Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from Touro University. I also hold an MA in Communication from Arizona State University focusing on crisis communication, conflict resolution, and interpersonal dynamics.


I’ve always been in the business of serving, listening to, and helping people. My first job was as a rabbi and educator in Seattle, then as a teacher in Phoenix, and back to rabbi and educator here in PDX. I began to realize that in order to provide the best help for people I needed to formalize my training, which has led me to working with the awesome crew here at True Heart Therapy.

ideal clients

The most important thing I’d want to see from a client is the desire to share and the courage to take steps toward. I love to work with teens, young adults, and couples. I also have a special place in my heart for working with older clients who are navigating new challenges as they approach their golden years.

If you are ready to check out available dates and times for a free 15-minute consultation, click the button below.


Client Portal


P: 971-203-2326     F: 971-203-2572